Selecting the Right Point Level Switch to Prevent Dangerous Spills of Solids Materials from Vessels and Silos – From the Emerson Automation Expert Blog

Article written by Lovisa Rogestedt on May 10, 2021 – Read the Original Article


If you have vessels and silos containing solids materials such as cement, grains, wood chips and plastic pellets, it is vital to prevent overfills. Should an overfill result in a spill, the consequences can be extremely serious, with falling materials having the potential to cause injuries or even fatalities. In addition, product can be wasted, production time lost, environmental fines incurred, and the vessel or silo badly damaged.

To minimize these risks, it is important to install an overfill prevention system, in which point level switches typically provide high-level alarms. These switches can also be used for low-level alarms – to prevent run-dry situations, which can disrupt a process or even stop production – or to simply indicate that a vessel or silo is either full or empty.

There are a number of different point level switch technologies that can be used to monitor the level of solids, but there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. The choice of which switch to implement depends on the size and space constraints of the vessel or silo, and the nature of the materials and process conditions involved.

Let’s take a look at how the different point level switch technologies operate, and the applications they are best suited to…


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